Circulation Policies

Student Checkout of Books

The loan period for all books is one week.   Students may renew a book up to two times.  

Pre-school students will not be permitted to check out a book until their teacher requests. After this point, pre-school students will be permitted to practice checking out one book and keep it in their classroom. This practice will not start until the pre-school teachers and the teacher-librarian have come to an agreement that it is an appropriate time to do so.

Kindergartners may check out one book per library visit.  

Students in grades 1-2 may check out two books per library visit.  

Students in grade 3-5 may check out three books per library visit.  Students will be encouraged to check out both informational and fiction.

Special permission for more materials may be granted when for a special assignment (examples: science experiment, classroom research, etc.).

Students may put books on holds. Holds are dealt with a first come, first serve basis.


Community Checkouts

Community members may check out three books for a two-week period during the school year.  

Overdues and Fines

Overdue slips and fine notices will be printed out and distributed to students at school.  Fines are not levied for overdue materials.  Students who have overdues will not be permitted to check out new titles until the overdue materials are returned.  

Students are responsible for all lost or damaged materials.  Materials that are overdue for 30 days will be marked as lost and a fine will be assessed.  Report cards will not be held for outstanding library fines.  


Fines are paid directly to the school secretary.  A student who pays a fine may be eligible for a full refund if the library item is returned in good condition within one year of payment.  The teacher-librarian reserves the right to accept, in lieu of monetary payment, a replacement copy of the item or comparable replacement.


Lost and Damaged Books

Students who have an active fine for one book on their account may be permitted to check out one book to keep in the classroom.  Students with multiple active fines may not check out library books.  Students can regain privileges by paying fines or consistently taking good care of library items and returning them on time.